New tanks means more beer!

It feels like only last week I was sitting down with my brew to tell you all about our last set of new tanks we had put in. Time since August has flown by, but also felt very drawn out with new lockdowns and restrictions to face. 

But despite all of this, since August, we've been grafting away at the top of the hill and implementing plans for increased capacity and in-turn, lots of new beers. 
This week saw 10 new DPV's arrive on site to sit down the side of our packaging hall, opposite to where we dropped in our tanks in August. 

These 10 new DPV's will increase our production and capacity volumes by 38% and will mean we've put in 23 new tanks in the last 8 months, a giant leap from what we had before.

So get ready for more new releases, and heaps of beer coming your way. With more new plans already on the go on site, we've got a lot of announcements up our sleeve! 

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